2016: Grupo de Investigación Análisis Económico Sectorial Aplicado. Financiado por la dirección de investigación de la Universidad del Bío-Bío GI 160317/EF (Chile). Coordinador principal.
2015: Riesgo climático y su impacto en la eficiencia de los mercados agrícolas and en las decisiones de producción e insumo en la pequeña agricultura. Financiado por la dirección de investigación de la Universidad del Bío-Bío DIUBB156717 2/RS (Chile). Noviembre 2015. Investigador principal.
Salazar, César; Jaime, Marcela; Pinto, Cristián; Acuña, Andrés. (2019). Interaction between crop insurance and technology adoption decisions: The case of wheat farmers in Chile. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 59, 1-27 (WoS-ISI).
Salazar, César; Ayalew, Hailemariam; Fisker, Peter. (2019). Weather Shocks and Spatial Market Efficiency: Evidence from Mozambique. Journal of Development Studies, 55(9), 1967-1982 (WoS-ISI).
Riffo, Fabián; Pérez, Daniela; Salazar, César; Acuña, Andrés. (2019). ¿Qué influye en la confianza en las instituciones? Evidencia empírica para Chile. Revista Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, 27(2), 83-104 (Scielo).
Salazar, C. & Acuña, A. (2018). Actividades de debate en el proceso de aprendizaje. Experiencias e implicancias desde procesos de formación de estudiantes de economía. Revista Educación, 205-227. (Artículo Indexado en Scielo)
Salazar, C., Jaime, M., Figueroa, Y. & R. Fuentes (2018). Innovation in small-scale aquaculture in Chile. Aquaculture Economics & Management 22(2):151-167 (Artículo Indexado en WoS (ISI))
Salazar, C., Jaime, M., Figueroa, Y. and R. Fuentes (2018). Innovation in small-scale aquaculture in Chile. AquacultureEconomics & Management. Forthcoming (ISI)
Salazar, C. and J. Rand (2016). Production risk and adoption of irrigation technology. Evidence from small-scale farmers in Chile. Latin American Economic Review 25 (2):1-37 (ISI)
Salazar, C. (2015). Reseña bibliográfica: El rol de la elite en el desarrollo económico. Horizontes Empresariales 13(2):47-53
Salazar, C., Jones, S. y F. Tarp (2015). Weather shocks and cropland decisions in rural Mozambique. Food Policy 53:9-21(ISI)
Salazar, C. (2015). Share Contract Choices and Economic Performance: Empirical Evidence from the Artisanal Fisheries Sector in Chile. Marine Resource Economics. 30(1):71-95. (ISI)
November, 2017. EFD Meeting: “The impact of share contracts on collective right uses. The case of the artisanal Extractive Regime in Chile.” Adis Ababa, Etiopía.
November, 2017. SOCHER: “The impact of share contracts on collective right uses. The case of the artisanal Extractive Regime in Chile.” Chillán, Chile.
November, 2017. Taller Núcleo Economía Ambiental: “The impact of share contracts on collective right uses. The case of the artisanal Extractive Regime in Chile.” Catillo, Chile.
November, 2016. EFD Meeting: “Market performance and transport infrastructure. A quasi-natural experiment from the Zambezi bridge construction in Mozambique.” Pucón, Chile.
September, 2016. Conference of the Chilean Society of Regional Studies: “The impact of natural disasters on incumbent’s reelection: Empirical evidence from the 27/F earthquake.” Santiago, Chile.
September, 2016: Conference of the Chilean Society of Economists: “Interaction between crop insurance and technology adoption decisions: The case of wheat farmers in Chile.” Viña del Mar, Chile.
November, 2015. EFD Meeting “Weather shocks and spatial market efficiency. Evidence from Mozambique.” Shanghai, China.
October, 2015. LACEA Meeting, “Pesticide use and agricultural risk. The case of rice producers in Vietnam.” Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Octubre 2015. Seminario Economía y Finanzas, Departamento de Economía y Finanzas, Universidad del Bio-Bio: “Essays on risk management of natural resources in developing countries.”
September, 2015. Conference of the Chilean Society of Economists: “Weather shocks and spatial market efficiency. Evidence from Mozambique.” Talca, Chile.
April, 2015. Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop in Sustainable Development: “Weather shocks and spatial market efficiency.” Evidence from Mozambique. Columbia University, New York, USA.
March, 2015. Land tenure conference, World Bank. "Weather shocks and land allocation in rural Mozambique". Washington D.C., USA
Enero 2015. Seminario DERG, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Copenhague: “Is pesticide use risk-reducing or risk-increasing in rice production in Vietnam? Exploring consistency between a production and a lottery approach. Evidence from rural Vietnam.”
Noviembre, 2014. Seminario programa de doctorado, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Copenhague. “Weather shocks and Spatial Market Efficiency. Evidence from Mozambique.”
July, 2014. European Summer School in Environmental Economics. Economics of Climate Change. "Weather shocks and land allocation in rural Mozambique". Venecia, Italia. And a lottery approach. Evidence from rural Vietnam.” Odense, Dinamarca.
Mayo 2014, Presentaciones de postgrado. Escuela de Economía, Universidad de Nottingham. "Weather shocks and land allocation in rural Mozambique". Nottingham, UK.
August, 2013, European Economics Association Conference (EEA). “Share contract choices and economic performance in small-scale fishing communities in Chile.” Gothenburg, Sweeden.
June, 2013, Nordic Conference in Development Economics (NCDE). “Share contract choices and economic performance in small-scale fishing communities in Chile.” Bergen, Norway.
Mayo, 2013. Seminario DERG, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Copenhague. “Share contract choices and economic performance in small-scale fishing communities in Chile.”
Diciembre 2013, Departamento de Economía, Universidad de Concepción. “The Impact of Share Contract on Economic Performance: Evidence from the Artisanal Fishing Sector in Chile”. Concepción, Chile.